
  • Gate Keepers Anime Site
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 03:44

    The Anime contains 24 episodes airing in Japanfrom 3/4-20/9/2000. While AXN Asia had also translated it for Asian viewers:Chinese in Hong Kong and English in.many other places. (Information from )As this is a game-turned-anime series, it wasfor sure that part of the plot are from the game.

    But there's quite a lot oforiginal plot as well. For now, maybe we can see which part (beside characters,the Gate-related stuff, etc) of the Anime are taken from the Game.Let's starts with the forms of Invaders.

    Ofcourse there's the most basic Invader: the Black Men and the MonarchGuards (which were commonly known as the 'Red Core'). For somebigger stuff, the first things that Anime-watchers had noticed from the gameshould be the part of the Bullet Train Robot by Kikai Shogun, right? Thefirst Shinkansen Robot appeared in Chapter 4: the Blasting Fight of BulletTrain.

    Gatekeepers Anime Site Online

    Beside the train, there's also the Battle tank in Chapter 16 ( ThePoison Gas Maneuver SOS!!), episode 13 & 14 in the Anime. But there's adifferent about the controller(s) though. For details, please see the'Differences' section below.But since there's no such thing called'fusion' in the game, so even the merged Invader are originated fromthe game, it's pretty hard to notice. But some kind of Invader, like the Drill(episode 2) and the Spitz (episode 18), did appeared in both the Game andAnime versions.Besides the Invaders, for the Gate Keepers, theGate Robot was not something that should be left forgotten. But there'sonly 2 Gate Robot in the Anime that were originated in the game: Ukiya's andKageyama's. For Jim, Jun and Misao, their Gate Robots could be considered as theoriginal 'characters' of the Anime. But even Ukiya's and Kageyama'srobots are from the game, the concept of how they work are very different fromthe Anime.

    This would be discussed in the section of 'Gate Robot'in the 'Control' Section.Also many would ask 'why near the end ofthe Anime, they tried to turn Ruriko into the Gate Keepers' enemy?' Well,the explanation can be found in the game too. Because near the end of the game,you'll discover that one of the GK girls (the one who was closest to you) wasactually a spy for the Invaders (note that the girl did this unconsciously andunder the control of Kageyama).The Anime creators probably used this plot to create the good-turn-bad scene.And Ruriko's the heroine after all, so she was put into this plot of'betraying' the GKs.Okay, there goes the big stuff.

    There's anothersmall thing I've noticed: For those who have finished the game with Ruriko'sending, you should have read the Omake which stated Ruriko's special ability isFirst Aid. No wonder she can take Ms. Secretary's place in the medical room when she'son vocation in episode 17!That's all from what I can search in my brain.More will be added if I can discover more.Okay, even the about section was about thecommon stuff between the Anime & Game, but I think I've put more differencesmore than stuff that are the same. That mainly because the Anime indeed was verydifferent from the game, even the concept is the same.Because there's way too many difference. So Ibetter organize them in point form. (part of the information is, again, from )Some General Things- The game starts in March, 1969. But theAnime starts in May instead.- No one carries guns in the Anime, but almost everybody have their owngun in the game.- The girl's uniform of Tategami High School of theand version.

    I'm not gonnadescribe it so see the picture yourself.- There are 3 original characters: Kurogane Megumi, Banba Choutarou andJim Skylark. And Francine Allumage is a game-only character.- In the original series (i.e. The 24-episode Anime), Yuurei Shoujo didn'tappear. But she appeared in Gate Keepers 21 the 6-episode OVA and GateKeepers 1985 the novel. But, no offense, she looked the best in the game.About Ukiya- In the Anime, Ukiya noticed Ruriko was his childhood friend atthe beginning. But in the game, it seems like he can't remember this fact, evenRuriko's been dropping hints all over the game.- In the Anime, Kaoru, Reiko and Megumi joined AEGIS after Ukiya.

    But inthe game, it's opposite (and switch Megumi to Misao). Ruriko's still the firstone to join.About Ruriko- In the anime, Ruriko wouldglare, yell, even beat up Ukiya when he calls her Rurippe.

    But in the game, shedidn't glare/yell/hit him. At least, not for that Rurippe business.About Kaoru- In the game, Kaoru delivers newspaper to help her family'sfinance. But Ukiya was the one who did this in the Anime.- Also about Kaoru, she was androphobic in the game.

    But in the Anime?Like what in says: A Shun Chaser!About Misao- For the Anime, Misao didn't own the Gate of Iron Wall, insteadshe is the Gate Keeper of the Gate of Perception (which allows her to see thefuture). Megumi had taken over her role as the Gate Keeper of Gate of Iron Wall.- Misao didn't study in Tategami in the Anime, in fact, she is a GateKeeper in the Berlin (East Germany) Branch.- Misao was the one who was interested in Student Movements in the game.But in the Anime, Kageyama was the one who was interested, and actually had donesomething, in that topic.About Reiko- In the game, Reiko didn't need a piano or being too emotional touse her Gate of Bewitchment. Beside that, she can attack without her Gate (herweapon is a whip). In my opinion, she's more reliable in the game.- Reiko is one of the most frequent visitors to the medical center in thegame-Anime seemed to have forgotten this fact.About Fei- Fei's Gate in the game is the Gate of Hundred Animal.

    Gate Keepers Anime Site

    But her gate inthe Anime is the Gate of Red Heat. This great difference mostly was caused bythe absence of Francine in the Anime. But Fei's attacks were more or less basedon animal: Fire Panda and Fire Dragon.About Jun- Jun was 20 years old in the Anime whereas she's 18 in game.Don't ask me why they make her older.- Jun was never transferred into Fareast Branch or enroll to Tategami likeshe did in the game: she belonged to the North American Branch the whole time.- In the game, Jun hated Kageyama very much. But in the Anime, herappearance is too brief for this plot.About Yukino- In the Anime, Yukino didn't go to school, she just lived in Mt.

    Daisetsuwith her ermine Hisame. But in the game, she attended the Tategami SpecialCourse: same class as Fei.About Someone Other Than the Gate KeepersUnit- In the Game, Shirei was actually the Keeper of the Gate of Timeand Space.

    But in the Anime, not to mention in GK21 and GK1985, was excludedthis plot.- In the Anime, Kageyama was actually quite rich during some point in hischildhood. But in the game, he was born into a family which was very poorbecause his father's business was being affected by WWII.- In the game, Akuma Hakushaku only played with human's mind. But in theAnime, he played with both human's mind and emotion.

    This was caused by theabsence of Yuurei Shoujo in the Anime.- About the Ghost Battle Tank in episode 13 & 14 of the Anime, it wascontrolled by Kikai Shogun and Akuma Hakushaku. But in the game, it wascontrolled by Yuurei Shoujo (andboth of them were vaporized by Ukiya ^^).

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